We share the laughter and the pain, we even shared the tears
I can't make you undone, I can't lie to myself about you existing,
you will always be there, and you will always be closest to my heart.
Hurtin' hurtin' hurtin' hurtin'
really hurtin' hurtin' hurtin' hurtin
Nights didn't seem so long no more,
pain wasn't there like it was before,
just when I thought I was really okey,
I saw Linda yester day.
Looked like I'd found peace of mind,
looked like I was gonna make it this time.
Just when I thought I was really okay,
I saw Linda yesterday.
fan den låten är ju verkligen djup!! å den e ju hur fin som helst ju! :P
den beskriver ju asbra, kan ju bya ut mitt namn mot nått annat kanske bara ^^